
Belated Christmas Photos

We'd like to thank our friend Ciara for reprimanding us into finally posting our Christmas photos. We got a bit behind schedule, but I think we'll do better now.
This is in Rexburg:

This is in San Diego (at the Coburn's & Little's):

This is the night of our one year anniversary:

This is playing croquet with Mike, Amy, & Afton:

This is New Year's Eve at Laura & Johnny's:


Mary Dunlap said...

Great pictures! I love to keep up to date with you guys through your blog. I understand you have something cooking in the oven. :)

Nancy Crawford said...

Wonderful pictures! Congratulations for the baby-on-the-way! Do you have morning sickness?

Brett and Ciara said...

I'm glad to see that you two had a great holiday and anniversary! I was thinking you were still hunting for your Christmas Tree or got lost or something. I was also waiting for a phone call from you guys on my birthday (12.27) but looks like you were busy taking pictures of yourselves and the city lights, so I forgive you.