Many of you know that Barbara is pregnant--she had her first doctor's appointment today. It was awesome! The sonogram was incredible to see, and the baby looks healthy and alien-like (which means Barbara's genes are definitely the dominant ones in this family). We won't know the gender for a few more weeks. Any guesses?

Amazing! That is our 7th grandchild! Congratulations! Thanks for sharing. We are so excited!
Congrats you guys! When's the duedate?
Congratulations, I'm so excited for you two! Isn't it so great to see the pictures of the baby? It makes it all so real..
Who knew a tapeworm could look so much like a baby!
Love you.
Wow two posts in two days! You guys are true true friends. Your sonogram is awesome he's a crazy little guy in there. Yep, we bet two servings of G's Dairy Ice cream that it's a boy. So Barbara do you feel him kicking yet? How far along are you?
P.S. Barbara can we call you Babbs.
So fun! I was pretty disturbed by the email from Dad - we have a sick father. Glad that everything went well.
I am so excited for you Barbara!!! Let me know how you are feeling! We missed you at the Huish's this year...John totally asked about you! Come south soon!!!
I am currently 15 weeks along and the due date is July 20th.
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