
Kayaking & Camping

My friend Tyson invited me to take these kayaking classes the outdoor recreation center on campus was offering, so I signed up. It was way fun. These pictures are on the third and final day of the class, where we went up around Ashton to kayak down river for about and hour and a half. Don't mind the "Nathan" helmet--I just borrowed it from some dude.
I hope it doesn't seem like I'm the only one who does anything fun and that Barbara just stays home learning how to crochet while I have all these random adventures. (Well, she was actually home learning how to crochet the last day I went kayaking.) We paddled nine miles down a river in a two person kayak this week--we just didn't get any pictures.

After a little frustration, I finally got the roll down. I'm glad I got a noseplug the last day--I was underwater practicing it a lot.

Brett, Tyson, Matt, and me all went on a wilderness survival camp out. It was planned as kind of a joke, since we all brought our slingshots and tried shooting our food that night (but we knew that we would most likely get nothing, so each of us secretly brought a little food and ended up sharing it with one another). It was fun though, and we built a lean-to to sleep under. Brett and I were the only ones that spent the night under it since Tyson and Matt went home early because they were sick.


KML said...

Hey Nathan (I mean Tyler), I know a great place you could go on your next survival campout where you could get fresh meat - RABBIT!

Anonymous said...

barbara should join this nice little knit/crochet community called ravelry.


i have found so many neat patterns on there.

Tyson, Brett & Dahlia said...

¡Eres campeon de rodar!